Monthly Archives: February 2009

Collision 7: Hal Lindsey,National Bookstore and John 10

Continuing with my post-conversion story:

I like Hal Lindsey’s “Late Great Planet Earth” even when it was being serielized on the old MOD magazine. I even asked my cousin from Canada-Rosita Ongsu to send me a copy o f the said book. And I devoured it. I was thinking of buying more of Lindsey’s book -since I have a NSTA scholarship momey during my 1st-2nd year college at UST.

And what a surprised-there were many books by Lindsey-so I asked a Christian-also browsing at National Bookstore Recto branch. And his suggested book? He told me his “interpretation of John 10. About the sheep and their Shepherd and that the sheep hear his voice and follow no other.Later I found out this is Calvinism. But I did not know then. I was intrigued and in a sense assured because it tallies with my experience. As in previous blogs regarding my conversion-I had to be irresistibly pulled by the hound of heaven so that I will submit to him.

Later , my brother-Roseller Rodriguez showed me a pamphlet from “Living Circle” -a college ministry by the Grace Bible CHurch, Nagtahan, Manila warns that such doctrine is hypercalvinism and that it teaches fatalism and non-evnagelism-so I just keep quiet for awhile and remain with our church at CCRL.

Back at Recto-I bought from Baptist Center Bookstore-a primer on dispensationlism by Gerstner-and found out that base don him Lindsey is a dispensationist and that they are supposed to antinomian.And that based on Darby’s two-people of God theory-that God is pursuing two purposes in history instead of one.And that the antidote to this is Covenant Theology (as espoused by Westminster and Calvin Seminary) and the five points of Calvinism.

So I am back in confronting Calvinism. I will confront later Covenant theology. But I already accepted the “sanctification through law” assumption by covenant theology. I admit that it is not easy to go through life by fewer guidelines-especially I am trying to reconcile the relevance of Christianity and my engineering studies. I have forgotten Schaeffer insights though. He is a Calvinist but he is not thorough going Covenant Theologian. His Faith Theological Seminary is fundamentalist and dispensational.

TGIF: Matthew 12:22-37 The Demoniac


1. The demoniac “healed:

2. Jesus and Baalzebub

3. Sin against the Holy Spirit

4. Careless Words

1. There are cases in Jesus ministry that defies categorization. A demon-possessed man is usually exorcised. But in this case -the man was healed.It also means that some sickness is related directly tothe working of the devil. One must be cautious here. It is easy to gooverboard and say that most sickness is devil-related. Some are and it must be rigidly established. This is athe reason that the crowd begins to think the Messianic characteristic of Jesus.

2. But the Pharisees is adamant in their unbelief or unbelief that Jesus can never be the messiah since he keeps violating their cherished beliefs.So they conclude that Jesus is an agent of Satan (Canaanitic term is Baalzebub-which means “Lord of the Flies”). The Lord immediately contraadicts them for their nonsense. A demon prize will not be let go. A demon-possessed man is straightway to hell , in this life and tothe thereafter-unless freed! They don’t let go. So it had to be the enemy kingdom who have to let loosed of them. Redemption or liberation is what Jesus is bringing. And the Spirit of God is the prime agent of release. This is a proof the present realized presence of the kingdom of God and that there is a such thing as a “economic Trinity”.

3. The Sin against the Holy Spirit is a public, vocal proof of a persistent,convince unbelief and assignment of supernatural works of Jesus to the devil. It is more than mere unbelief in Jesus (which is the sin against the Son of Man) .Pharisees who are convince not to believe Jesus because of his threat to their office of teaching, and their decision to murder him-for whatever reasons and to ascribe his works to the devil-is an example of the blasphemy ofthe Holy Spirit. Let us beware of it.

4.This paragraph is usually used to moralize regarding gossip,cursing, green jokes and the like. Though it can be extended to that-the chief emphasis of these passages is that we be careful to speak agianst something we don’t undesrtand especially about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. To speak glibly of spiritual things-without investigating and validatingthem is gross error. One can be justified and condemned  because of it. To speak of Jesus as Savior and Lord is to be justified. To speak against the Holy Spirit’s work- convinced persistently -as a work of the devil-is to be condemned.

Collision 6: Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship

I am continuing my conversion story started in Collision 1. I choose this title since it signifies the collsion of my old wordl and the new christian world-with its worldview and culture.

It was the suggestion of my grandfather and my aunt to look for an IVCF campus ministries at UST gardens. And thru it especially -now Engr Onofredo Mojica , I was able to find a house church at Constancia St., Sampaloc, Manila-named “Community Church of the Risen Lord”. It was led by 5 elders-namely (now) Ps Ric Pagarigan, Ps Esdras Martinez, Elder Fred Gan, another one I cannot remember right now and the deceased Paredes patriarch. They were the one who interviewed me for my 1992 baptism at Cubao Baptist Church.

My long time mentor is Ps Ric who introduced me to Francis Schaeffer and Faith Theological Seminary. We also both watched the “Empire Strikes Back” the first time around. He is now pastoring at Canada.

My usual responsibilities then was to keep the hymnals and the chairs and to help Ps. Ric in his bible studies and house visitation.

Churches of Metro Manila: Union Church of Manila

Side of Union Church

Side of Union Church

I am hoping that I can make some informal survey of the biggest or influential churches here at Metro Manila-like that of outreach magazine: 

So, I am starting with what I know -my former church during the time when I left Bread from Heaven Christian Fellowship-towards the time when I was to get married in 1993. I will try to be mostly positive in my assessment and leave out the negative unsaid. Here are two pictures we took when we wnt there yesterday, February 22, 2009:

Raviel at front of Union Church

Raviel at front of Union Church

UCM building is located at the heart of Makati district. It is somewhat new since it replaced the building I knew when I was there in 1990 to 1991. There’s a parking lot beside them but since Makati is dull by Sundays-it is easy to park at the streets. No hasles. The building is big but not massive-continuing its previouse theme of reaching out to the heavens. The toilets are clean and many. The temperature inside is bearable-not too cold or hot. They are still using the old pew benches-but they are still comfortable anyway.  The base ment are for the many Sunday School classes.

Ushering-which I was a part-is still impeccable. There are many volunteers handling this-I just observed that before the service (there are 3 by the way-contemporary,traditional and blended) there is an usher that holds a card telling others to shut-off their cellphones.

The program still follows the traditional worship order (We went there during the mid-morning service) and is within the time-limit. The choir are still there to lead the congregation and even though you have heard most of the songs before -due to their song leading, the  congrgation are able to sing them vigorously.

Steve Ruetschle, Senior Pastor spoke about Psalm 119 about the love of a believer for the Word of God-comparing it to wine and a love poem-while telling his story about his love for his wife (he cannot sleep for three days until he was able to share his poems for her), sharing a quote from John Calvin and telling about his wine tasting tour at California. It was well researched and you can feel his love for the Word during the message.

The Sound sytem of UCM is superb -not too loud or too soft. You can hear what needs to be heard.Afterwards we stay at the basement for some snacks and bought a book on discipleship. I was able to go around the Sunday school area and was able to hear the practice of the next worship band. It was  a start on my blof regarding evangelical churhes in Metro Manila.

Their website is :

Review: Love Actually: Valentine Concert At Lakefront

This is a short review:

I went there with my wife during February 14, 2009. The place is kind of cold and windy. The two groups who sung were good-True Faith and Baihana.

The food services was bad- Costelo Restaurant-It took us 1 1/2 hours to get our food-lasagna and pizza-and it was cold. And it also took as a long time for our payments to be accepted. They were not ready for this Valentine’s concert. Here are two (2) pictures of the event:

Crowd at Lakefront,Posadas

Crowd at Lakefront,Posadas

True Faith

True Faith

Reaching Them For You

I was always alone by myself

Not caring what goes on

For others like me

people who sits by me

at the bus or jeepney


Working hard

Building my world

Insulating it from others

Others like me

Looking for

someone to be with


Almost always

running from them

Avoiding you

Avoiding your image in them


But you found me

And I found myself

reaching other for you

And I found myself reaching them for you


I tried to hide the idols of my heart

In the secrte rooms

Hoping no one will see it

Hoping He will not see it too


The one I thought is Freedom

Led me to prison

The one that gives me pleasure

Led me to long term pain


Wretched man I am

Alone in my sin

No hope

No strenght


But He came

His thoughts for me undivided

His presence undiluted


Now I found myself released from my chains

And my heart now undivided

My Mission Verse

Luke 24:30-32 30 It happened, that when he had sat down at the table with them, he took the bread and gave thanks. Breaking it, he gave to them. 31 Their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he vanished out of their sight. 32 They said one to another, “Weren’t our hearts burning within us, while he spoke to us along the way, and while he opened the Scriptures to us?”

Before entering Asian Theological Seminary in 1990-1992, there was an article from “Radio Pulpit” of “Back to God Hour” of CRCNA regarding this verse-and I felt then and until now-that this is my mission verse- that is when I am teaching and preaching the Scriptures-it will enable others to feel a little bit closer to the Lord. By understanding the Word, one is more drawn to Him and our ‘eyes’ are able to see Him more. This is not about head knowledge -nor about what you can or should do with this knowledge (ethics-which I am not against) but it is about the Prime Priority-to know Him more so that everything -our own world -revolves around or relationship with Him.

When we are transparent to Him-and we can easily His face-our motives becomes clear   -we are no longer trying to impress anyone-not even ourselves-We see Him as He is-and a little smile or gaze from Him is enough for us to lay our lives down again and again.

No more legalistic following of rules,conventions or similar Law driven guilt trip. To please him as my elder brother, as my Lord, as my Father, as my One-and-Only-it is enough. And I want to share this with others. While we walk with Scriptures-His face gets clearer and clearer-until in the end, we shall truly see Him face-to-face.

Points of Light

Last night , before going down the Lopez building, I look from the 7th floor lobby window and saw the light post inside the parking lot of our company  Center. I observed that their light were able to brighten just enough their vicinity so that people who were getting into their cars can see their surroundings. Just enough.

I am reminded of Christians that express their faith-just enough for their friends, associates and relatives -so that they can lead meaningful and holy lives. Without them-others will be in total darkness. I also remembered my Lord that supplies this light-It is not inherent in us to shine on our own-it is due to His love and Spirit. We we energize by him to do good works that will giev praises to God our Father.

The small light fueled by a power source -unseen by others. This is also how the Lord worked through us.


This is my issue regarding the Puritans (Westminster Confession of Faith) doctrine of assurance which tends to devalue or cast doubt on the simple faith of new believers. Yes there are some who are deluded by modern evangelistic methods-but many are jsut struggling to find confidence in their salvation. But instead of security- WCF puts more fuel to doubts. I think the Heidelberg and the Canon of Dordts is better here.

But here’s an excerpt from Free Grace advocate: Zane Hodges:

Found at :

Associate Editor
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Mesquite, Texas

A. The Debate over Kendall’s Work

In his impressive historical study entitled Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649 (Oxford: University Press, 1979), R. T. Kendall has argued that, starting with Beza in Geneva and Perkins in England, post-Calvin Calvinism departed from Calvin’s own doctrine of faith and assurance. The result was the denial of a fundamental feature of Calvin’s doctrine of saving faith: namely, a denial that assurance was of the essence of saving faith.

Carson does not side with those who categorically reject Kendall’s position. Indeed, in a carefully nuanced paragraph on this debate (p. 5), Carson begins by saying:

Certainly both sides of this essentially historical debate have full arsenals by which to take on the others’ positions.

But he goes on to add that “both sides recognize that the debate is not merely a historical one… but a doctrinal one with substantial theological and pastoral implications” (p. 5). Although this sounds like a very modest concession, it is considerably more than that in reality. Considering that many in the New Puritan camp have firmly rejected Kendall’s conclusions, Carson’s unwillingness to come down clearly on that side of the issue speaks volumes.3

Kendall’s thesis about the lack of assurance in Puritanism is relevant at another place in the article (pp. 20-21). There Carson has a lengthy quotation from I. Howard Marshall which ends with the words:

Whoever said, “The Calvinist knows that he cannot fall from salvation but does not know whether he has got it,” had it summed up nicely…The non-Calvinist knows that he has salvation—because he trusts in the promises of God—but is aware that, left to himself, he could lose it. So he holds to Christ. It seems to me the practical effect is the same.

Carson’s concession here is grudging: “At a merely mechanistic level, I think this analysis is largely correct” (italics added). Why “mechanistic”? Surely Marshall’s analysis is right on target. Carson’s discussion (following the quoted statement on p. 21), is simply an effort to salvage some superiority for the Puritan view over the Arminian one. But doubt, discouragement, and despair are the frequent fruits of a lack of assurance in both of these branches of professing Christendom.