Monthly Archives: June 2014

Sovereign Grace and the Teleological Understanding of Election

An answer to this series of posts and a book at >

His teleological interpretation of predestination -meaning that Paul viewed this doctrine based on what is the intended purpose of election is NOT that we are secured in our destination as Christians and children of God -but that the intended output or plan of God is that there will be a group of people that will be holy and blameless in the end -but God is not determining such people – but only announcing intended output in the end – is pure Arminian , Pelagian understanding of what the universe is all about -about Man as the determining factor in his salvation and in his life.

The doctrines of Sovereign Grace as expounded in the Canons of Dordt does give credit to the nature of man as a free agent and as a responsible creature before God -but that Adam’s fall had corrupted his nature -that every good things in himself is always skewed in the wrong manner- towards himself, the world and the devil. This -is not accepted Arminians or Pelagians – they always rely on that – little something good in man – and act as if this true in this world. They don’t realized that we are not little angels with broken wings -but that we are like a tank filled with water and contaminants -just waiting to be stirred by calamities, sickness or misfortune or even plain discomfort.  


We must realize that this world -among many – is a gift of love by the Father to His Son through the Holy Spirit -and we His children-are just caught up in this love – and the love of Jesus for his people -which He set His love before time -among so many enemies. And therefore -we must learn to see it from that side -instead of our human side -with all our concerns and myopia. Only then we will understand that – “…we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.” -Ephesians 1: 11-12.