Monthly Archives: September 2020

Why I still speak

Some told me why I keep warning people about DUxxx – and this is my answer – I lived during the Martial Law years believing that the NPAs was our most feared enemies and that if we grow weak – they will immediately take advantage of the situation and turn our country into a ‘killing fields’.

And so my elders of my generation – let Marcos be. They let him destroy our democratic institutions, ravaged our natural resources and decimated a generation of youth leaders with torture, rape and summary executions and branded all his enemies – that are principled – either as oligarchs or communists.

Marcos and his generals
Mao and Stalin

Only when the Lord called me out of H-fever at UST Hospital that He started changing my perspective , and though I did not watched Ninoy when he passed by España in 1983 – I realized that Marcos and his family is a crook, a liar and the real enemy of our society. He sow fear amongst our hearts, and the nation reaped years of economic devastation and cultural morass.

And someone similar sits in Malacañang now – he just added drug addicts and terrorists to his scarecrows.

And like then – churches are either collaborating with him – by being silent , or supporting him out of a wrong biblical interpretation of the word ‘submission’ – i think more so for fear – that he will use the police to imprison them -;if they wake their members to the truth – that he is a form of the beast of Revelations 13 and they are supporting the archenemy – the dragon who lied and killed since the beginning.

I cannot be silent , like my elders did. Nor like the other pastors who thought only of their numbers.

Old man telling stories

We all die , but it is how we live that we make the difference in the lives of others especially of the next generations after us.

For me – i just need to tell stories…my story and then of that past when a government brainwashed its citizens with songs of ‘ Bagong Lipunan’, nutribun and big infrastructures – paid for in blood by a whole generation.

I just need to tell stories. It is up to you to open your eyes and ears.

Galatians 2:20
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”